Page 85 - Perfected Faith
P. 85


         humiliated before his people, he had lost his most reliable men to
         Musa (as) and the position of the Prophet Musa (as) as a great threat
         to his system had been established. On all these counts, he decided to
         severely punish his magicians:
          Pharaoh said, "Do you dare believe in him without my leave?
          He must be your master, the one who taught you magic. I will
          cut off your hands and feet on alternate sides and have you cru-
          cified on palm trunks. Then you will know for certain which of
          us can inflict the harsher and longer lasting punishment."
          (Surah Ta Ha, 71)
          In spite of these dire threats of the Pharaoh, the magicians had faith
         in Allah from the very moment they grasped Allah's existence and
         prostrated themselves before Him. They sided with Musa (as) out-
         right; they did not feel concerned over losing certain benefits from
         Pharaoh. Meanwhile, they asked for Allah's forgiveness for opposing
         the Prophet Musa (as) and for struggling against him:
          They said, "We will never prefer you to the Clear Signs which
          have come to us nor to Him who brought us into being. Decide
          on any judgment you like. Your jurisdiction covers only the life
          of this world. We have put our faith in our Lord, so that He may
          forgive us for our mistakes and for the magic which you forced
          us to perform. The reward of Allah is better and longer lasting."
          (Surah Ta Ha, 72-73)
          From the above, it becomes obvious that one's submission to Allah
         engenders strength of character, personal power and a sense of com-
         mitment. The magicians could have never assumed such a noble atti-
         tude if they had sought for any benefit from the Pharaoh's system.
         Under the circumstances of their time, their conversion to the true
         path seemed to conflict with their worldly interests.
          However, all these devices for personal interest lose their signifi-
         cance for one who has faith in Allah. That is because, Allah is the One
         who commands the course of all these events related above. A person
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