Page 87 - Perfected Faith
P. 87


          think that this will ever end. I do not think the Hour will ever
          come. But if I should be sent back to my Lord, I will definitely
          get something better in return." (Surat al-Kahf, 35-36)
          As Allah stresses in this verse, the owner of the gardens attributed
         near-permanence to his gardens and dared to openly state that they
         were not vulnerable to any kind of devastating disasters. He yet
         failed to recognise the drastic end this outlook would bring about.
         His ignorant arrogance and his feelings of self-sufficiency made him
         one who "wronged himself."
          Allah mentions another man who also owned gardens. This indi-
         vidual was also wealthy, though not as much as the first one… Yet, his
         wealth did not change his faith or personality, for which reason, he
         noticed his friend's disbelief and answered him thus:
          …Do you then disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust,
          then from a drop of sperm, and then formed you as a man? He
          is, however, Allah, my Lord, and I will not associate anyone
          with my Lord. Why, when you entered your garden, did you not
          say, "It is as Allah wills, there is no strength but in Allah?"...
          (Surat al-Kahf, 37-39)
          In the latter part of the verse, he immediately warns his friend not
         to be insolent towards Allah on account of his possessions and ad-
         vises him not to grow arrogant:
          ..."Though you see me with less wealth and children than you
          possess, it may well be that my Lord will give me something
          better than your garden and send down upon your vineyard
          thunderbolts from heaven so that it turns into a barren waste, or
          drain its water deep into the earth, so that you will find none of
          it." The fruits of his labour were completely destroyed and he
          wrung his hands in grief, rueing everything that he had spent
          on it. It was a ruin with all its trellises fallen in. He said, "Oh, if
          only I had not associated anyone with my Lord!" There was for
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