Page 40 - Devoted to Allah
P. 40
- Nothing (be it a human being, a thing or an event,
etc.) has a beauty of its own. Allah creates all things and
endows them with beauty. Since a person, for example,
has not designed and formed his or her face himself, that
beauty is a beauty that belongs to Allah.
- Allah gives this beauty to man, whom he created
from nothing, for a brief time only (since that person will
soon grow old and die). Only Allah possesses the power
to recreate that beauty in the Hereafter, in an even more
perfect form.
- As in the case of a human being, all creatures that de-
serve love are created by Allah and made “pretty.” To re-
mind people that the actual owner of this beauty is Allah,
He destines the beauty of these beings to perish with
death and ultimately with Doomsday. In the Hereafter, all
beings will be recreated.
This being the case, a believer loves all the things he
encounters in this world, aware that they all belong to
Allah and that he will encounter the “original” form of
their beauty in the Hereafter. Consequently, his actual
love is for Allah, the One Who provides him with every-
thing he loves: He is the real Owner of every kind of
Contrary to the concept of love based upon faith in
Allah that is enjoyed by believers, disbelievers’ love is
based on idolatry. This form of love is described in the fol-
lowing verse revealing what the Prophet Abraham (as)
said to his people:
He said, “You have adopted idols apart from Allah as
tokens of mutual affection in this world. But then on