Page 165 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 165
Everything Is Recorded In The
Mother Of The Book
As we explained in the foregoing section, God created in one moment
every event and every creature that we perceive as past and future. In the
Koran it is revealed that the fates of every human being and every other
creature are hidden in the Mother of the Book:
And truly, it is in the Mother of the Book, in Our Presence, high in
dignity, and full of wisdom. (Surat az-Zukhruf: 4)
… We possess an all-preserving Book. (Surah Qaf:4)
Certainly there is no hidden thing in either heaven or earth which is not
in a Clear Book. (Surat an-Naml: 75)
In other verses, God says that everything that happens in heaven and on
earth is recorded in this book.
Those who disbelieve say, "The Hour will never come." Say: "Yes, by my
Lord, it certainly will come!" He is the Knower of the Unseen, Whom
not even the weight of the smallest particle eludes, either in the heavens
or in the earth; nor is there anything smaller or larger than that which is
not in a Clear Book. (Surah Saba': 3)
It is revealed in these verses that, since the universe was created,
everything animate and inanimate, every event which happens are the creation
of God and are therefore in His knowledge. In other words, all these things are
in God's memory. The Mother of the Book is a manifestation of God as the
Preserver (Al-Hafiz).
Past And Future Are Actually
Experienced In The Present
Because time does not exist in the sight of God, all things happen in a
single moment, that is in the "present". All events which we think of as past
and future are present to God; in His sight everything is much more clear and
vital than we can perceive. For example, at this moment Jonah (pbuh) is being
cast into the sea as a result of the drawing of lots; Joseph (pbuh) is being
thrown in to the well by his brothers; he is eating his first meal in prison and
leaving the prison. At this moment Mary is speaking with Gabriel; Jesus (pbuh)
Eternity Is Hidden in God's Memory 163