Page 166 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 166

is being born. At this moment Noah (pbuh) is driving the first nail into the ark
                       and leaving the ark with his family at the place God chose for them. The
                       mother of Moses (pbuh) is putting his cradle into the water, Moses (pbuh) is
                       receiving his first revelation from God in the bush, he is dividing the sea and
                       the believers are passing through it. At this moment Pharaoh and his army are

                       being drowned as they cross through the sea and Moses (pbuh) is speaking
                       with Khidr, Khidr is repairing the walls of the orphan children. Those who
                       asked Dhu'l-Qarnayn to build a barrier to protect them are at this moment
                       presenting their request and Dhu'l-Qarnayn is building the rampart that was
                       not to be breached until the Day of Judgment. Abraham (pbuh) is at this
                       moment warning his father, breaking down the idols of the pagans, and the fire
                       they threw at him is giving Abraham (pbuh) coolness. Prophet Muhammad

                       (may God bless him and grant him peace) is at this moment receiving a
                       revelation from Gabriel and he is being taken from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid
                       al-Aqsa. At this moment the people of 'Ad are being destroyed. The dwellers

               Events in the past are
               vividly and clearly
               experienced in God's
               memory as present
               events. For example, the
               workers making the
               pyramids are carrying
               their materials now,
               getting tired now,
               getting thirsty and
               drinking water now.

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