Page 202 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 202

As is clearly stated in the above verses, it is not possible for anyone other
                       than God to help anyone else. Not even a person's parents, children or friends,
                       whose existence he assumes throughout the course of his life, can actually do
                       anything to help him. Help from friends and family only happens by the will
                       and permission of God. It is not even possible for someone to help himself

                       outside the will of God. It is even impossible for anyone to walk, see or feel, in
                       short to survive, if that is not the will of God.
                           Neither must we forget that things and people, of whose original existence
                       we can have no idea, and we are dealing with only copy images of which, will
                       be taken away from those who resist acknowledging this fact in the Hereafter.
                       As revealed in the Koran, everyone will be called to account all alone. In other
                       words, in the same way that everyone is actually alone with God in this world,

                       so he will be called to account in the same way after death. God states this in a
                           You have come to Us all alone just as We created you at first, leaving
                           behind you everything We bestowed on you. We do not see your

                           intercessors accompanying you, those you claimed were your partners
                           with God. The link between you is cut. Those you made such claims for
                           have forsaken you. (Surat al-An'am: 94)

                           When looking at a friend, for instance, everyone sees the image of a friend
                       that God creates in his mind. If the nerves to his brain are cut, the image of his

                       When a Muslim loves someone, he is actually showing his love for God. The true source of
                       love for an image that God has created is our love for God, Who creates that image in a
                       form that we can love.

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