Page 207 - Matter: The Other Name for Illusion
P. 207
God shows the
images He
creates as linked
to particular
causes and
effects. When an
apple drops off a
tree, for
instance, it
always falls to
earth, it never
goes upwards or
suspended in the
air. The study of
these effects and
laws that God
has created form
the fields of
study in science.
As a result, the
fact that the
whole universe
is a totality of
perceptions does
not invalidate or
do away with
the need for
God. Quite the contrary, one is a logical consequence of the other.
God has created everything that exists. However, we only know their
perception and images formed in our minds. Examining and studying the
properties of these image-objects demonstrates proof of the superiority of
God's creation, His art and His infinite knowledge. As a result, there is no
contradiction between saying that matter is a totality of perceptions and then
studying the properties of these perceptions and seeing the greatness, and
might of God.
It must also be made clear that some people think that God only exists as
long as there exist beings that think about Him (God is surely beyond that),
and as a result of this a grave error, put forward a number of objections.
Replies To Objections Regarding The Reality Of Matter 205