Page 25 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 25
The superficiality that some people display without feeling
any discomfort in their consciences can be defined as a blem-
ished, debased, degenerated culture of ignorance. Examining
the behavior and thought patterns of the people who live
within this debased culture, we see the serious deficiencies in
their faith. Their childhood upbringing, their current environ-
ment, and the people they associate with strongly influence
their adopting this debased superficiality. Taken altogether,
these elements comprise a kind of culture that no sincere
Muslim can ever adopt. This system shamelessly practices
types of humiliating behavior unbefitting human nature and
keeps its adherents from living the noble, honorable and
respected life envisioned in the Qur’an. The following pages
will examine why such people adopt this false Religion of
Superficiality and some of the influences that keep them from
living the good moral life that Allah commands.
Forgetting Allah and Favoring Others
Draws People into Superficiality
As stated at the beginning of this book, the word superfi-