Page 28 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 28


            tude. To act with the idea that any other being has the attrib-
            utes of Allah brings with it artificiality in behavior, unneces-
            sary refinement of manners, and meanness. Such an indi-
            vidual is given to anger, always pursuing small gains, trying
            to make others feel sorry for him or exaggerating his own
            importance. Having superior personal and moral qualities is
            characteristic of Muslims with nobility of spirit, who do not
            desire the things of this world and, in everything they do
            and think, turn only to Allah.
               For example, if a person who is very knowledgeable
            assumes that his knowledge comes only from himself, his
            mind is superficial. This means that he has forgotten that the
            real possessor of all knowledge is Allah, that Allah has given
            him all the knowledge he has and can take it away whenever
            He wishes. Also, such a person does not consider that every-
            one, including himself, is absolutely helpless before Allah.
               Another aspect of superficial thinking is that the ignorant
            admire such people. Their admiration is directed not only to
            knowledgeable individuals, but also toward attractive peo-
            ple, talented artists, sports figures and the wealthy.
            However, it is Allah Who has given them their beauty, tal-
            ent, intelligence, and success. For example, when consider-
            ing a person with material wealth, the important thing is not
            what he owns, but to realize he is a helpless servant of Allah.
               Those with superficial understanding look to such peo-
            ple for help, forgetting that Allah is the ultimate possessor of
            all things, and feel an exaggerated and insincere sense of
            respect for these people. They ignore this truth that Allah
            reveals in the Qur’an:
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