Page 32 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 32


                They said, “Shu‘ayb, We do not understand much of
                what you say and we see you are weak among us. Were
                it not for your clan, we would have stoned you. We do
                not hold you in high esteem!” (Surah Hud: 91)
               They deferred to some individuals and gave them esteem
            they did not deserve. Yet they did not appreciate the dis-
            tinctive qualities, noble personality, faithfulness and moral
            character of the prophet Shu‘ayb (as) whom Allah loved and
            chose. They were just influenced and intimidated by those
            close to him. Because of the depravity of their denial, these
            people preferred to live in the debased culture of superfi-
            ciality, completely divorced from moral goodness and

               They Live a Life of Unawareness
               The word  unawareness  refers to those who forget our
            Lord’s existence, disregard the realities of death and the
            Hereafter, give themselves over to worldly desires and pas-
            sions and as a result, do not obey Allah’s sublime com-
            mands. We are told in the Qur’an that these people are con-
            tent to evaluate things by their external appearance:
                They know an outward aspect of the life of this world
                but are heedless of the Hereafter. (Surat ar-Rum: 7)
               They do not consider that Allah has absolute sovereignty
            over all matters. A shallow way of looking at the world has
            become a culture for them, largely due to deficiencies in their
            faith. They cannot properly conceive of Allah’s infinite power
            and sovereignty; and this failure of theirs has endowed them
            with an unbecoming boldness to live in this culture.
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