Page 33 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 33
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar 31
If an individual understands that Allah sees him every
moment, is aware of what he does and what he thinks, and
that all this is recorded in his name in Allah’s presence, then
fear of Allah will lead him to practice the moral teachings of
the Qur’an. This will give him a special behavior and way of
thinking that are easily recognized. This is a quality far
removed from superficiality; it is a natural purity that resides
in no culture apart from the morality of the Qur’an; and is
seen in the dignity, penitence, faithfulness and conscience of
the prophets. In this morality there is a definite heedfulness
and awareness that leads an individual to be aware every
moment of the existence of Allah and the Hereafter, and to
seek His pleasure in everything he does. In every word he
utters, he knows he is in Allah’s presence, and he lives with
this idea constantly in his mind. Such a person could not pos-
sibly (unless Allah wills the contrary) demonstrate a superfi-
cial personality’s manners and expressions. He will take
great pains to make sure that his choices, facial expressions,
and tone of voice befit the dignity of a Muslim.
But a person lacking this awareness disregards the exis-
tence of Allah and the Hereafter for the most part of his daily
life. Very often, he is literally hypnotized by his contact with
others, the variety of events that happen to him, and the
countless details that confront him. It never occurs to him
that Allah has created these things as tests and that Allah can
easily create all these details. On the contrary, he disregards
Allah and concentrates merely on the details. He believes
that everything that happens in his life is the result of chance,
under no one’s control. As a result of these unaware ideas, he