Page 97 - The Debased Culture of Superficiality
P. 97

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar               95

            Similarly, it was fated for the driver to have that accident; this
            was the will of Allah. That a person ignores this truth and
            assumes a sad expression shows that he is associating His
            creation with Allah. It is a sin to think that there is no good
            purpose in calamities and illnesses, that illnesses are simply
            caused by germs and ignore the fact that germs and viruses
            were created by Allah as means to His ends. The behavior
            caused by such ideas will be highly superficial and far from
            the high moral quality that religion bestows.
               In the Qur’an, Allah warns people of faith against such
            shallow and superficial thinking and reminds them that it
            can endanger their lives in the next world:
               Among the people there is one who worships Allah right
               on the edge. If good befalls him, he is content with it, but
               if a trial befalls him, he reverts to his former ways, losing
               both this world and the Hereafter. That is indeed sheer
               loss. (Surat al-Hajj: 11)
               This tendency can be present in the hearts of those who
            have not yet come to faith. These people are careful to prac-
            tice religious morality when they are surrounded with bless-
            ings and their situation and environment are just as they
            wish. Under such circumstances, they eagerly perform their
            required acts of worship. But when the situation changes,
            when Allah takes away some of their blessings as a test, these
            people behave differently. Heaviness replaces their former
            eagerness. Some of them may even fall into perverse think-
               As for man, when his Lord tests him by honoring him
               and favoring him, he says, “My Lord has honored me!”
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