Page 14 - Unawareness: A Sly Threat
P. 14
Unawareness, as briefly defined in the introduction, is the
condition of those people who are either unaware of Allah’s
existence and the Hereafter, or, if they are aware, do not have
the requisite sense of responsibility. As a result, they are
unaware and careless. Sometimes, believers can become
temporarily unaware due to a transient forgetfulness or dis-
traction. In the case of unbelievers or those who ascribe
equals to Allah, this can be a life-long condition that affects
every aspect of life.
Many people do not wonder why they were created;
rather, they dally in the desires of their egos and therefore lead
empty and useless lives. Following the logic of “living for the
moment,” they seek to attain only the best and to enjoy as
many of the world’s pleasures as they can. For them, what
counts is making the best of their time, imagining that “we only
have one life.” Thus, they try to fill their allotted days with as
much pleasure and enjoyment as possible. They know they are
going to die, and yet they are unaware of the eternal punish-
ment awaiting them in Hell. And because they cannot conceive
of Allah’s supreme power, they underestimate just how severe
this punishment will be. (For details, see Harun Yahya’s Death,
Resurrection, Hell). Some of the related verses areas follows: