Page 16 - Unawareness: A Sly Threat
P. 16

14                 UNAWARENESS: A SLY THREAT

               It may be that those who are unbelievers will wish that
               they had been Muslims. Leave them to eat and enjoy
               themselves. Let false hope divert them. They will soon
               know. (Surat al-Hijr: 2-3)
               Unawareness is like an insidious disease that engulfs
           those who have forgotten Allah and the Hereafter, that anes-
           thetizes the mind and shrouds the intelligence. This drowsy
           unawareness prevents them from understanding the realities
           that assail and await them. Despite their power to see and
           hear, such people can no longer accurately interpret and
           judge what they see and hear. In fact, it shrouds their minds
           to such an extent that they spend all of their time trying to sat-
           isfy the endless desires of their egos. They can think of noth-
           ing else, for they have already transformed their desires and
           passions into deities:
               Have you seen him who has taken his whims and
               desires to be his deity? Will you, then, be his guardian?
               Do you suppose that most of them hear or understand?
               They are just like cattle. Indeed, they are even further
               astray! (Surat al-Furqan: 43-44)
               One important aspect of unawareness is its ability to
           alienate people from reality and cause them to live in a dream
           world. For example, young people always think of the future
           and may feel happy thinking that their dreams will come true.
           As they get older, their dreams become more restricted and
           they try to relive them through souvenirs and reminders. Older
           people can easily find many memories to share with their
           loved ones, and retelling their memories lets them relive the
           excitement or sorrow of that moment.
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