Page 28 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 28


                    In the era of the Prophet Moses (pbuh), the Pharaoh also carried out a similar
                order he received from satan. In that period, there was a rumor going around saying
                that 'one of the children born between a specific time frame will be the Mahdi of
                that period'; so the Pharaoh gave the command to kill all male children born in
                Egypt at that time and martyred them all.
                    What the satan aims with all these incitements is, in its own way, to show that
                all humans are like it. It tries to prove that 'its opinion about humans' is truer than
                the word of God - surely God is above this claim. However, of course, as God in-
                formed us in the Qur'an, satan will turn out to be in the wrong with what he
                said and he won't be able to affect sincere Muslims.
                    Satan is a creature that may be described as a psychopath addicted to all
                sorts of murder and perversion, and who also lacks reason, is arrogant, rebellious,
                cynical and bloodthirsty. Since the Pharaohs, Nimrod and, in brief, all antichrists
                act under its orders, 'they display the same abnormal characteristics with the sa-
                tan'. Therefore, all antichrists show the 'same schizophrenic nature' satan possesses.
                    Under the orders of satan, the antichrist and the other members of the deep
                states plan every single scheme about 'who to kill, where to start a war and which
                country to ruin' in their headquarters, where they manage their dark affairs.
                    Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) secretly joins these meetings where the deep states of
                the world plan the execution of these instructions of satan. Hazrat Khidr (pbuh)
                stands together with Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) against this evil organization. He secretly
                participates in these meetings to gather information that will prove useful to the
                system of Mahdi and this is how he aids Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).
                    All irreligious ideologies that bring about disastrous results for all of hu-
                manity on a global scale and set them against each other through wars and con-
                flicts, such as Marxism and fascism, are all cooked up by the same unbeliever
                group under the command of satan. As a result of this, horrible massacres and
                worldwide disasters are organized and immense amounts of blood is shed. All of
                these are the consequences of this evil organization's sinister plans.
                    The fact that the antichrists, who are at the head of the deep states of the
                world, always attempt to put into practice the same schemes and plans proves
                that these activities are administered and directed by the same source. Throughout
                history, all deep states that have ever existed were always under the orders of satan.
                From a single headquarters, satan directs these groups toward the same purpose.
                This plan, which has been implemented throughout history, still emanates from
                the same center. It is again 'satan' who has hatched this scheme to divide and

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