Page 24 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 24
hand, they scheme against Islam in a bid to cause harm to Islam. For this reason,
the attributes of hypocrites must be clearly known by everyone.
Besides, learning the signs of hypocrites and being knowledgeable about
their sick character will be the means for bringing up high quality and sincere
Muslims. Because every Muslim who becomes proficient about this dirty perfidy
of satan would condemn his own lower self and, under the light of this advice,
correct his behaviors which might resemble those of hypocrites. As a result of
this, 'high quality Muslim communities that have profound faith and good
morality; that are superior in piousness with clear insight and superior wis-
dom' will be created.
ADNAN OKTAR: First of all, we have to know
hypocrites like the backs of our hands. What
are the advantages of hypocrites? Their advan-
tage is that they utilize an unknown, indescrib-
able system which hasn't yet been diagnosed
by people. That is their most valuable weapon.
If you expose this weapon, if you reveal it with
all of its intricacies, you will then have exposed
the hypocrite in plain sight. That would include
how the hypocrite talks, how he sits, how he
acts, and if you explain all these in relation to in-
cidents of our day, you will have disclosed them
in every respect. For some time, we have been describing characteristics of hyp-
ocrites -actually this was something that has never before been done in the history
of the world. You can't find a similar work anywhere else. No Islamic country, no
book written by a scholar has this information. There were only superficial expla-
nations made in general terms. We are explaining it with examples from practical
life and elucidating their social background along with historical documents.
Because what they usually do is narrate the past like a story; as if it is a collection of
blurry facts. Like they are fuzzy events belonging to a certain era. But in fact,
hypocrisy is a treacherous system that was and is present during every era in
history. Therefore, with the help of our elucidation, everyone will see how hypocrites
can be exposed in practical life. If our descriptions, the information we provide
continues for another two weeks, hypocrisy will be clearly exposed. There will be
no place left for the hypocrite to escape. They will be spiritually caught wherever
they go. That is because hypocrites operate by fleeing and moving around, if they
become unsuccessful in some place, they would escape to another to attack
from there. That is why the characteristics of hypocrites should be described thor-
oughly. No matter which part of the world they go, they would be instantly
spotted if their characteristics are explained thoroughly. (A9 TV, February 7 , 2016)