Page 22 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 22


                with this word. Just like a mole enters a tunnel from one side and comes out another,
                hypocrites act in a similar fashion. Just like a mole, they enter Islam from one
                side and leave from another. They are undecided as to which way they will go.

                Any moment, they might lean towards unbelievers, or blend in among the Mus-

                lims. Like a mole, they turn from one side to the other. Wherever their personal in-

                terests lie, they prefer that side. Indeed, this word emphasizes hypocrites' inconsis-

                tancy. In the Qur'an, God draws our attention to this state of hypocrites, with

                the verse that reads; "They vacillate between the two — not joining these or

                joining those…" (Surat an-Nisa', 143) and warns Muslims against this mole like

                character of hypocrites.

                    Even though Muslims are well aware of the threat of hypocrites and their

                treachery, immorality and alliance with unbelievers, they invite these people to the

                moral values of the Qur'an with patience. However, 'hypocrites persist with their

                hypocrisy just like an obsessive mental patient' and seek ways to meet their selfish

                interests. Similar to the way a mole moves up and down in his tunnel, hypocrites

                keep moving among the Muslims in search of an opportunity that will serve

                their personal interests.

                    The solution to hypocrisy is to make the characteristics of hypocrites crystal

                clear so that Muslims around the world will be able to identify these insincere

                people without difficulty. Once the treachery and ignominy of hypocrites is ex-

                posed, they will have no place to perpetrate hypocritical actions in this world.

                    Just like in agricultural fields, where people pump water from the two sides

                of a mole's hole leaving no place for the mole to run, unveiling hypocrites will

                result in a situation that they won't be able to 'find any means for hypocrisy'.

                But of course, the mole is simply a metaphor here used to better describe the nature

                of hypocrites; otherwise moles are very cute animals. Hypocrites on the other hand,

                are 'despicable and abhorrent beings' that bear no further comparison with those


                    In light of the Qur'an's verses, with Muslims' unmasking of the treacherous

                tricks hypocrites employ in daily life, 'hypocrisy will spiritually drown within the

                holy light of faith.' When their insincerity and treachery is widely known by every-

                body, hypocrites will no longer be able to play these schemes and tricks on anyone.

                    For this reason, hypocrites will eventually have no place to perform their

                sinister schemes on a global scale, because Muslims will constantly keep the

                signs of hypocrisy on the agenda, day and night, by helping people memorize

                their attributes, and putting their evil perfidy in writing and explaining it far

                and wide. As a result of this, Muslims will live in a world where there is no act of

                hypocrisy; and an amazing luxury, comfort and plentitude will arise.

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