Page 19 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 19

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                For 1400 years, there has been a variety of works written about hypocrites for
            this purpose and information about hypocrites in history has been collected in
            these books. However, for 1400 years, there hasn't been a work which completely
            exposed the despicable character, evil schemes and treacherous methods of hyp-
            ocrites, and revealed hypocrites' immorality by giving out details from daily
                                   life. Most Muslims have not paid enough attention to this subject, and not realized
                                 the importance of 'disclosing the immorality of hypocrites to the entire Islamic
                                       world.' Yet, for centuries, in every era, all the seditions and turmoil in the Muslim
                                 world were caused by hypocrites, and their activities have led to the division of the
                                     Islamic world and therefore, to the suffering of Muslims.
                              Therefore, this book that is meant to 'expose hypocrites', will ensure the
                                   end of this terrible mischief in the Islamic world. 'The treacherous methods,
                                     psychological pressure and attrition tactics' of these sinister, deceitful and hypo-
                              critical people, about which God informed Muslims through the verses, will be an-
                                      alyzed in great detail in this work. The sordidness of hypocrites who plan scheme
                           after scheme, fraud after fraud, and who are as sinister and perfidious as satan
                                      itself, will be completely exposed. This book also contains detailed information on
                                       how to 'struggle against this evil group with the help of the Qur'an,' and how to
                               'render the schemes and tricks of hypocrites who secretly plan traitorous acts
                                     behind the scenes against Muslims ineffective.'
                                 As important as knowing the 'notorious hypocrites in history' that are pre-
                                   sented in the Qur'an and the hadiths, it is also vital for Muslims to be made aware
                                 of the 'sneaky tactics that hypocrites of our time employ today.' For this reason,
                                  'the way hypocrites fight against Muslims by utilizing all the technological and
                                   sociological means and psychological warfare methods of the 21 Century' is
                                 also elucidated in this book, giving detailed examples from everyday life.
                                     With God's permission, this book will pave the way for a worldwide victory
                  against this menacing body, which aims to destroy Muslims from the inside. The
                                group of hypocrites, who are currently not exposed and can thus act freely, will
                                     lose all of their power with the help of this book. By revealing the secrets of
                                         hypocrisy, the evil system of hypocrites will be eliminated. As a result, 'the system
                             of hypocrisy, which currently puts up an outrageous fight against the Islamic
                                world, will completely collapse, and the reign of hypocrites over the world will
                                  completely disappear.'
                                      By means of this book, Muslims will be able to easily 'recognize and identify
                                        these heinous people who have infiltrated into the Islamic world,' and thus they
                                will be able to prevent those hypocrites from attaining positions that have power
                                         over Muslims. With the necessary precautions they will take, Muslims will be
                                       able to preemptively prevent the damage and destruction that hypocrites may

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