Page 18 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 18
The 'hypocrite threat' is one of the most vital and important matters in the Is-
lamic world. Because the main threat the Islamic world faces is 'hypocrisy.' Hypocrisy
is an evil system which has been 'secretly corroding and trying to destroy the
Muslim world' for centuries. However, most Muslims are not even aware of this
fact. Most people think that 'unbelievers' are the main threat against Islam. But, in
fact, 'hypocrites' are the biggest enemy of Muslims. The grudge, anger, jealousy
and hatred hypocrites feel against the Muslims is much stronger than of unbelievers.
Just like a drug addict's addiction to drugs, hypocrites have an addiction to carry
out sordidness, vileness and hostility againts Muslims, to cast aspersions on
them and to set traps agains them. Unbelievers do not like Islam or Muslims;
however, their anger or hatred is not as strong as hypocrites'.
It is hypocrites who are responsible for the situation the Islamic world is in
today. One of the main reasons for the suffering and cruelty that we witness in
Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Arakan and many
other places, is hypocrites of the Islamic world. In the Islamic world, the despicable
group that 'organizes the mass oppression and massacre of Muslims' are hyp-
ocrites. The power of deep states and irreligious ideologies of the world expanded
due to the support they receive from hypocrites. The schemes hypocrites have
carried out in Muslim communities in cooperation with the deep states of the
world has caused an immense amount of bloodshed in the Islamic world and
brought about the martyrdom of thousands of Muslims. Still, a new one is added
to these schemes every passing day and Muslim communities are dragged into a
new era of suffering and cruelty.
Therefore, in order to expose and prevent these schemes and tricks, hypocrisy
should be completely fended off by the Islamic world. For this, first of all, Mus-
lims should be aware of 'the threat hypocrites pose' and then 'all the Muslims of
the world should be informed on how to identify hypocrites perfectly.'
One thing has to be clearly understood: 'The defeat of hypocrites means
victory for Islam.' Without the defeat of hypocrites, it would not be possible for
Islam to attain victory. For this reason, all Muslims who long for Islamic morality
to prevail over the world and who endeavor day and night for this purpose
should not forget that hypocrites have to first be made intellectually ineffective.
If the sedition of hypocrisy is dealt with from within the Islamic world, there will
be great peace, prosperity and relief, which has never before been achieved in the
Muslim world.