Page 15 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 15

                                        A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                                             Hypocrites will try hard not to get caught red-handed; with an unending
                                  series of lies, they will try to cover their crimes and feign innocence .....................264
                                       If hypocrites think that they are caught,
                                         they might suspend their evil acts.................................................................................266
                              Hypocrites continuously change tactics according
                                               to the changing circumstances; they always have plans A, B, and C........................268
                                          As hypocrites wrongly suppose that they haven't been detected,
                         they don't realize that they are giving themselves away ever more clearly..............269
                                          Listening to the signs of hypocrites is one of the things
                                        that pain hypocrites the most.........................................................................................270
                                               Hypocrites do not come to heel; they do not give up their hypocrisy no matter
                      what and they find a new way of 'acting up' every time they are caught.................274
                                     Hypocrites fail to hide the "signs of hypocrisy" on them...........................................275

                               HYPOCRITES' PLANS TO LEAVE MUSLIMS......................................................277
                                             Hypocrites have a constant tendency to run away
                                   but they cannot leave behind the interests they attain from Muslims .....................277
                                          Hypocrites delay their departure to be able to continue harming Muslims............278
                                                       Hypocrites constantly make plans for the filthy life
                                       they will lead when they depart.....................................................................................281

                             MUSLIMS APPROACH HYPOCRITES WITH
                                  THE MORALITY OF THE QUR'AN......................................................................284
                                               A hypocrite can never definitively be diagnosed as a "hypocrite" ............................284
                                    One needs to follow hypocrites patiently
                                         and cautiously, and learn about their satanic arts .......................................................285
                                             Learning about the signs of hypocrisy benefits Muslims...........................................288
                               The existence of hypocrites constantly turns out to be good for Muslims..............290
                                        It is an important attribute of Muslims to be patient in the anticipation that
                                       hypocrites might have faith and call them to the morality of the Qur'an ...............291

                                  HYPOCRISY ENDS IN ABSOLUTE FAILURE......................................................294
                                     A hypocrite's life ends in humiliation...........................................................................294

                                     THE WORLD LIKE THE SUN AND HYPOCRISY WILL END
                                           BY THE OCCASION OF HAZRAT MAHDI (PBUH)...........................................296

                            APPENDIX: THE DECEPTION OF EVOLUTION................................................300
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