Page 12 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 12

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                   Hypocrites neither take ablution nor perform prayer
                   when they think no one sees them ...............................................................................115
                   Hypocrites turn into 'sycophantic' characters in order to derive benefits ..............117
                   Hypocrites' heart is full of resentment; this dirt and evil reflects on their face......120
                   The resentment, anger and jealousy within hypocrites' hearts,
                   reflect on their attitudes for all day long.......................................................................121       When hypocrites are given advice,
                   Hypocrites look menacingly in order to discomfort Muslims
                   and lead to disturbance...................................................................................................121
                   The body language hypocrites use for their evil actions............................................123
                    1- Contemplating and planning evil actions beforehand........................................124
                    2- Their evil looks ........................................................................................................124
                    3- Their scowling..........................................................................................................124
                    4- Their grimacing .......................................................................................................125
                    5- Turning their back on..............................................................................................126
                    6- Their being snobbish...............................................................................................126
                   When hypocrites think that they can't do enough action
                   with their dingy glances, they try to insult Muslims with their parlance................127
                   Hypocrites scream unrestrainedly when they get angry............................................130
                   Hypocrites strut arrogantly with their disdainfulness................................................131
                   Hypocrites are deprived of respect; they are discourteous and inconsiderate........133
                   Hypocrites were raising their voices in the presence of our Prophet (pbuh)
                   and talking in an insolent manner ................................................................................134
                   Hypocrites were trying to come to the fore beside our Prophet (pbuh)
                   and trying to exalt themselves........................................................................................135
                   Hypocrites were talking to our Prophet (pbuh)
                   loudly from outside his private quarters.......................................................................139
                   While Muslims remember God with love, hypocrites rarely remember God ........141
                   Hypocrites don't want to mention religious subjects whereas
                   they are quite zealous and proficient on talking about worldly matters..................144
                   Hypocrites don't care enhancing their morality but their 'appearance'
                   and 'being admired' are vital for them..........................................................................146
                   Hypocrites resemble 'whitewashed tombs that look beautiful from outside
                   but actually dead and full of dirt inside'.......................................................................148
                   Hypocrites are very self-indulgent; they want to be cared
                   for and avoid fraying physically with imposter ruses.................................................149
                   Getting old and coming closer to death seizes hypocrites with fear and dread .....151
                   Hypocrites assume that the more they abuse Muslims' financial opportunities
                   the bigger benefits they obtain.......................................................................................153       Hypocrites complain and find fault in everything all day long.................................208

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