Page 13 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 13

                                        A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                                  Hypocrites don't like a legal life; they are relieved when they do illegal,
                                  sneaky and secret things .................................................................................................156
                                         Hypocrites are meticulous to themselves while they are careless towards the
                                                  Prophet (pbuh) and other Muslims...............................................................................158
                                     Hypocrites cannot endure receiving advice from Muslims .......................................160
                                 When hypocrites are given advice,
                                   they counterattack with lies and slanders.....................................................................162
                     Hypocrites foolishly attempt to 'moralize' Muslims....................................................166
                                     Hypocrites are insanely protective of themselves........................................................167
                               Hypocrites are suspicious about everything;
                         they imagine every detail to be against them...............................................................170
                   Hypocrites believe that Muslims are 'simple-minded'
                      but consider themselves to be 'the wisest people in the world'.................................173
                         Lying takes the form of a 'mental disease' in hypocrites............................................173
                      Hypocrites use lies to struggle against Muslims..........................................................174
                                        Hypocrites try to whitewash themselves by slandering Muslims .............................176
                                             With their slanders, hypocrites especially want to defame the messengers,
                               who are Muslims' spiritual leaders ................................................................................178
                            For their sneaky games, hypocrites use 'subliminal manipulation' ..........................181
                                       Hypocrites want to shatter the trust towards the prophets
                                               and Muslims using subliminal manipulation methods..............................................182
                           Hypocrites work up to shake people's trust in God
                                               with subliminal manipulation methods (may God forbid) .......................................187
                        Hypocrites try to distort the words of Muslims by twisting
                                 the truth and the meaning of the words.......................................................................189
                            Hypocrites want to meet the believers in private
                                        so that they can calumniate them..................................................................................192
                                    Hypocrites constantly swear oaths in order to conceal
                                           their lies and wicked plans..............................................................................................193
                                        Hypocrites try really hard to spread doubt
                               and fear into the hearts of Muslims...............................................................................194
                                        The hypocrite is fond of showing off ............................................................................196
                                 Hypocrites aspire every aspect of unbelievers .............................................................198
                                      Hypocrites try to show off with their travelling around the world ..........................201
                                  Hypocrites are similar to "a donkey carrying tomes" .................................................202
                                                Hypocrites are tactless and disrespectful......................................................................206
                                           Hypocrites pretend being smart and know-it-all at every opportunity...................207
                         Hypocrites complain and find fault in everything all day long.................................208

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