Page 14 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 14


                  Hypocrites are very lazy when it comes to working in favor of Islam .....................210       Hypocrites will try hard not to get caught red-handed; with an unending
                  Hypocrites pretend they are 'incompetent' near Muslims,
                  whereas they are highly skillful and motivated in pleasing unbelievers..................213
                  Hypocrites denigrate the success of Muslims while trying to present
                  themselves as irreplaceable people with superior abilities.........................................217
                  Hypocrites envy the success of Muslims a great deal and carry out
                  ostensible efforts to prove that they can do better than Muslims.............................218
                  Hypocrites are thieves and swindlers............................................................................220
                  Hypocrites want to steal not only Muslims' goods and property,
                  but also their beauty, health, love, happiness, energy and time ................................223
                  Samiri who was one of the vilest hypocrites in history was also
                  known for his theft ..........................................................................................................224
                  Hypocrites are cowards; they reveal their true colors
                  instantly in times of difficulty........................................................................................231
                  Hypocrites are jealous of the heartfelt love among Muslims.....................................232
                  Hypocrites try to suppress the love between Muslims with lies and slanders ........234       Hypocrites have a constant tendency to run away
                  Hypocrites are jealous of all the blessings Muslims possess......................................236
                  Hypocrites' claim of being 'in search of love' is a lie;
                  they use the concept of 'love' only to carry out even more of their immoral acts..237
                  Hypocrites are loveless creatures; but they use love to
                  attain personal gains and emphasize their superiority...............................................240
                  Hypocrites know that no one really loves them ..........................................................243
                  Hypocrites have no sense of love or respect in their souls ........................................244
                  Hypocrites retreat into their shells, as they can't stand to see the Muslims............246       A hypocrite can never definitively be diagnosed as a "hypocrite" ............................284
                  Hypocrites use everything they are given to cause unrest.........................................247
                  Hypocrites almost never say "thank God," "praise be to God;"
                  they never give thanks and appreciate the gifts God gives to them .........................249       Learning about the signs of hypocrisy benefits Muslims...........................................288
                  Hypocrites are very ungrateful towards Muslims                                         The existence of hypocrites constantly turns out to be good for Muslims..............290
                  from whom they receive nothing but kindness and good manners.........................250
                  Hypocrites use every opportunity they are given to fraternize
                  with unbelievers in a bid to plot against the Muslims................................................253
                  In everything hypocrites say, lies a trap; it is important
                  to do the exact opposite of these words of hypocrites................................................255       A hypocrite's life ends in humiliation...........................................................................294

             HYPOCRITES' FEAR OF GETTING CAUGHT ....................................................257  C
                  Hypocrites are terrified of intelligence gathering against them the most;
                  they are horrified at the idea that Muslims learn the truths about them ................259
                  Hypocrites are horrified at the possibility that
                  their stealthy deeds might be noticed and exposed ....................................................261
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