Page 36 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 36
This particular 'inconstant characteristic' of hypocrites and 'their attitude
toward siding with whomever has the power' is also described in the Qur'an with
the following verse: "If unbelievers have a success they say, 'Did we not have the
upper hand over you and yet in spite of that keep the believers away from you?'"
(Surat an-Nisa', 141) It is also stated in the verse that hypocrites, as compensation
for their sinister and treacherous efforts against Muslims, will ask for a share from
the power unbelievers acquired.
ADNAN OKTAR: If their enemies are not powerful enough,
they abandon them too, it is stated in the verse. For ex-
ample, if Muslims intellectually defeat unbelievers, then
they abandon them, too. Hypocrites always side with the
powerful. Then they shamelessly ask believers; "Were we
not with you?" This is the reflection of their insanity in their
behaviors. In the 8th verse of Surat al-Munafiqun, God in-
forms: I seek refuge in God from the accursed satan, "If
we return to Madina," say hypocrites. If they are to return
to that city, "the mightier," look, do you see whose side
they are on? The mightier. For example, deep state of
the world, or any other unbeliever group. But the particular
feature of that group is they are seemingly powerful and an enemy to Muslims. For
example, that could be a terrorist organization. "The mightier", by might, they
mean physical and intangible power. They also mean repute, meaning the stature
of the ignorant, unbelievers. That is unbeliever's vanity. "Will drive out the inferior",
this is how they see the Muslims: inferior. And by saying, "will drive out the inferior,"
hypocrites imagine the mightier will destroy the Muslims. Subconsciously, they al-
ways think that Muslims will be attacked and destroyed. Hypocrites are always
longing for that. And because of that, they are always in cooperation with unbe-
lievers. (A9 TV, January 22 , 2016)
In another verse, God teaches with an example from the tribe of the Prophet
Jethro (pbuh), and informs us that his people said to him:
They said, 'Jethro, we do not understand much of what you say. And we see
you are weak among us. Were it not for your clan, we would have stoned
you. We do not hold you in high esteem!' (Surah Hud, 91)
The words of those unbelievers in the tribe of the Prophet Jethro (pbuh) are
quite explanatory in terms of understanding hypocrites' approach to the believers.
'They said that they do not understand much of what the Prophet says', meaning
'his words don't interest them, they are only interested with the part that suits