Page 37 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 37

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                      them'. Besides, they said that they consider the Prophet (pbuh) as 'weak amongst
                                      unbelievers' (surely the Prophet (pbuh) is beyond this).
                                       The only reason behind this twisted mentality of hypocrites is their wrong
                                            conviction that 'unbelievers are a separate power independent of God'. Because
                                    they can't grasp the infinite power of God, they can only make an assessment based
                                       on 'the conditions they witness'. The systems of unbelievers and deep states seem
            more powerful to them in terms of their material means, reputation and sphere of
            influence. And they think that Muslims are only a small group amongst the power
                        elites who actually control the world.
                            However, unbelievers' being more in numbers and Muslims' being fewer in
                  numbers is a situation specially created by God as a rule. And in that group of Mus-

                   lims that they regard to be small in number, the infinite power of God is manifested.
                            Because God, with His infinite power, supports His messengers and all His be-
                          lieving servants who are the party of God. In essence, God is the Creator of
                             those evil structures of unbelief that look seemingly powerful, and God has
                             command over their every move. God is He Who creates all people, societies, or-
                               ganizations and country leaders, and controls all their actions and the words they

                           say. Throughout history, due to natural laws and orders created by God and in
                                        compliance with the test of this world, unbelievers have been numerically more
                                 than believers. However, God's endless power and might has always been on the
                                  side of the sincere believers.
                                 Hypocrites, who are ignorant of these facts, show immense effort to make their
                                          unbeliever friends, who they deem as powerful, appreciate them and to attract their

            attention, even slightly. With every opportunity hypocrites get, they try to show
                                  how well they have adapted to the worldview, ideologies and ideas of unbelievers,

                and they try to prove how good of a follower they are of them.
                However, as it is known, no intimacy or kinship can be permanent if it is
                                       built upon insincerity, and it is doomed to collapse. It is for this reason that when
                             Muslims foil the schemes of these seemingly powerful organizations, and when
                                         they expose their evil system, hypocrites immediately change sides after under-
            standing that their side with unbelievers has lost its power. If they think it is

                                profitable for them, hypocrites may even appear to be in serious opposition to un-
            believers. And after that, they start looking for other groups who can nourish their

            personal interests. Because the so-called friendship, intimacy and sincerity of hyp-

            ocrites, who only side with those who are powerful, is all nothing but an imitation,

            and a fake and two-faced trick.

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