Page 67 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 67
A D N A N O K TA R ( H A R U N Y A H Y A )
Taking into consideration the fact that hypocrites are 'beings that act by means
of the intelligence of satan', one can better understand 'how effective hypocrites
can be in exploiting' the technological means and the information on the Internet
for their insidious plans. Additionally, hypocrites are quite the pundits in seeking
out the members of the deep state, providing intelligence to the foul organizations
they are affiliated with to the detriment of Muslims, and acting silently and
covertly while doing all these. Being 'the avid technophiles' they are, hypocrites
take all the technological precautions that will automatically delete all the evi-
dence and perform a memory-wipe just in case that they might get caught.
However, hypocrites never consider the fact that God watches them and
every one of their stratagems are recorded in the Sight of God; that they will ac-
count for all of these in the hereafter. Their only concern is to be able to carry out
these activities in secrecy. They believe that as long as they are not ensnared,
their plans will proceed flawlessly and perfectly. However, if hypocrites devise a
plan, God devises a plan through His infinite wisdom and power. One by one,
every single one of their hypocritical ruses will be exposed in the hereafter; one by
one, people will come to know about the insidious actions they committed at every
stage. Believing that every secret ploy they carried out renders them more supe-
rior, hypocrites will be disgraced before everyone and treated with contempt in
the hereafter. Neither technology nor their evil intelligence and nor their pro-
ponents consisting of deep state members will save them.
ADNAN OKTAR: Hypocrites should be depicted
precisely and in great detail with regards to our
century. Because now we have computers, the
Internet, cell phones. These are the brand new
weapons of hypocrites. The weapons at the dis-
posal of hypocrites are nothing like the weapons
of the past. In other words, they are equipped
with ruthless weapons. For example, at night,
they get up from their bed, open their cell phones
and with it they can easily communicate with a
vile member of the deep state via calling or tex-
ting them. And when they are done, they can
easily erase any record of their communication.
In other words, it is impossible for anyone to ob-
tain this information. Therefore, hypocrites of our
century should be defined thoroughly. (A9 TV,
February 10 , 2016)