Page 69 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 69

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                ocrite or an ally among the irreligious at night. Hypocrites find great excitement in
            'texting, having phone calls or video chats with people from among unbelievers'

            through Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, or a similar secret messaging program.
            Making new friends from among unbelievers that they can take advantage of and
                                      doing all of these without Muslims realizing it gives hypocrites an evil pleasure. On
                                          the other hand, not being able to carry out activities behind Muslims' backs and
                                  not having the means to live by the irreligious demeanor with unbelievers signifi-
                                   cantly disturb hypocrites.
                                      Internet, computers or smart phones; each one of these technological means
                                  are the instruments hypocrites use not only to communicate with unbelievers,
                                         but also to carry out their evil, traiterous acts. For hypocrites, the entirety of
            technological means is 'virtually a door that opens up to satan'.
                              However, all these technologies, that constitute 'a door that opens up to malice'
                                  for hypocrites, are actually 'a vessel of blessing, mercy and benevolence' for Muslims.
                            While Muslims use all this technology as a means for attaining God's mercy,
                                   hypocrites use them for evil purposes.
                                  With the press of a button on their cell phones or computers, hypocrites can
                                   virtually get in touch with their satan and they continue this communication with
                                 satan for hours. Since there is no one around to see what they do, they are able to
                                    keep their irreligious way of life a secret. But they take all manner of necessary pre-
                                cautions in case someone sees what they do or discover their affiliation with unbe-
                                  lievers. For example, they definitely maintain a system that will allow them to erase
                                 the logs of all their conversations and communications on their phones and com-
                                puters with the touch of a button. Or they enable the features of the Internet appli-
                                cations they use that instantly wipe the application's memory or delete the application
                           altogether. Considering all these steps and possible situations right from the begin-
                               ning, hypocrites take all the necessary precautions using state-of-the-art means of
                                          technology. Thus, they sneakily continue their connection with unbelievers in a
                                             way that is almost improvable.
                                 With the verse "Conferring in secret is from satan, to cause grief to those
                                  who have faith..." (Surat al-Mujadala, 10) God draws attention to the secret con-
            nections of hypocrites. Hypocrites and unbelievers 'conferring in secret', as men-
                                      tioned in the verse, does not always have to be done face to face. In our century,
                         hypocrites do this via the Internet; by means of computers or smart phones.
                             However, later on in the verse, God reveals, "… but it cannot harm them at
                                  all, unless by God's permission." and reminds of a very important truth to believers.
                                          It is solely God Who has created every conversation between hypocrites and un-
                                    believers. None of them has any power on their own that is independent from

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