Page 89 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 89

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                                   ADNAN OKTAR: "Hypocrites pay particular attention
                                   to it; for example they come up to you and say 'I
                                   have  a  lot  of  love  and  respect  for  you.' And  then

                                   they start to listen in on the conversation. The reason

                                   [behind  their  demonstration  of  affection]  is  to  be
                                   able  to  listen  in  on  what  is  being  spoken.  Is  there
                                   anything being said against them? Do they say any-
                                   thing that qualifies as intelligence? Or do they speak
                                   about something that is worth reporting to the deep
                                   state, to the irreligious structure of that era such as

                                   the states of the Pharaoh or Nimrod? They seek for

                                   these. This is why they never leave the side of the
                                    Muslims for even a second. Thinking they might ob-
                                       tain any information, any intelligence from the be-
                                           lievers, hypocrites do not want to leave their com-
            pany. A man accompanies our Prophet (pbuh) as his 'scribe'. Like a leech, he

            clings to the Prophet (pbuh); when the Prophet (pbuh) gets out of his bed at

            night, he gets out too. When the Prophet (pbuh) eats, he is there with him. His
                                      real intention is to gather intelligence, and report anything the Prophet (pbuh)
                                 says to unbelievers. Do you see how devilish the man is; do you see how fearless
                                     he is of God? The man is aware of the fact that he is a prophet who receives rev-
            elations; that he is world's most courteous man, as pure as light. Look at to what

            extent the perfidious goes so that he can provide intelligence to the idolaters,
                                    the villains, the murderers, the cowards of that era. Look at what he endures to
                                   do so. Even if it means he has to forgo sleep, he still wakes up at night to be
                                            around the Prophet (pbuh). He claims 'I came out of my devotion, my love to-
                                           wards the Prophet (pbuh).' He is not with him because he loves him, he is there to
            gather intelligence." (A9 TV, January 26 , 2016)

                Through such methods, these people hoped that they would 'sneak in like a

                                      snake' and listen to the conversations from a secluded corner without anyone
            seeing or noticing. After they have the information they hoped to obtain, again,

            just like a snake, they would sneak out by hiding behind others. By doing so,

            they hoped to hear about 'more secret and confidential matters' that, they believe,

            would not have been discussed in their presence. In the Qur'an, God informs Mus-

                                   lims about the way hypocrites 'sneak in and out' through the verse "God knows
            those of you who sneak away," emphasizing the 'spy qualities' of hypocrites:

                                      Do not make the Messenger's summoning of you the same as your sum-
                                moning of one another. God knows those of you who sneak away. Those
                                       who oppose his command should beware of a testing trial coming to them
                or a painful punishment striking them. (Surat an-Nur, 63)

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