Page 84 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 84


                hoping that they will derive secret personal benefits in return gives hypocrites an
                immense evil pleasure.
                    As God informs us in a verse of the Qur'an, saying "They vacillate between
                the two – not joining these or joining those" (Surat an-Nisa', 143), hypocrites nei-
                ther completely side with unbelievers nor with the Muslims. Even though they are
                with the believers, they feel a deeper admiration and affection towards unbelievers.
                Thus, in every opportunity they get, they try to further develop their intimacy and
                strengthen their relations with unbelievers.
                    Therefore, being aware of this perspective of hypocrites, unbelievers can easily
                develop intimacy with and manipulate these individuals whose hearts are stuck
                in between faith and irreligion. Feeling an admiration towards unbelievers, hyp-
                ocrites are ready to do anything that will help them develop even a little intimacy
                with the individuals that they find reputable and prestigious according to their ig-
                norant criteria. Even the possibility of meeting or making an acquaintance with

                people in the position of a columnist of a globally renowned newspaper, a pro-
                ducer of a well-known TV channel, a prominent political-analyst, an executive
                of a leading think-tank or a founder of a notable foundation extremely excites
                the people with hypocritical personalities. They present themselves as notable,
                talented and insightful people just to be able to have a few words with them, and
                earn their appreciation by making a good impression on them. They hope that
                one day, they might benefit from the means these people have such as position,
                status or reputation; they hope that maybe one day one of their articles will be
                published in a well-known magazine or newspaper, or maybe they will have the
                opportunity to briefly appear on a famous foreign TV channel and utter a few
                words. To be able to make use of such an opportunity means the world to them.
                    Being well aware of this weakness of people with hypocritical personalities,
                unbeliever groups 'seek out one by one such individuals harboring a ruthless ad-
                miration for foreigners and a burning ambition to advance, and a deep desire to
                become famous'. They take the most advantage of these people's weaknesses and
                approach them with 'the most attractive offers'. By providing hypocrites with
                small benefits, they lay a compelling foundation and ultimately, they turn them
                into ideal servants who will serve their interests and obey their every order. In a
                short span of time, these people reach such a point that they become capable of
                betraying their fellow Muslims, their closest friends, their families and even
                their own nation and country in the most treacherous of ways; speaking and
                writing in the most hostile of tones to the detriment of their own people, country
                and its national interests.

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