Page 82 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 82


                vironment they are present. Since they are sick at heart, they can easily recognize

                those who bare the same sickness in their hearts. As they are quite familiar with

                disloyalty, cruelty, criminal cold-bloodedness; in short, the signs of hypocrisy, they

                can immediately recognize another hypocrite. And they employ the aforementioned
                'secret and ciphered signaling methods' on such individuals. Just like satan's

                sneaking up to people, hypocrites, too, sneakily approach people with weak faith,

                weak personalities and weak minds. At first, they make a tentative attempt to try

                people out. For example, they cast aspersions on one of the individuals who Muslims

                trust the most. If the person across them does not respond or object to this, hyp-
                ocrites think that the person has taken the bait. Then they proceed to extend their

                influence on that person. And, ultimately, they begin to communicate with these

                people at will through facial expressions and secret, ciphered signals.

                    However, it should never be forgotten that as the nature of their creation,
                hypocrites are always doomed to fail. No matter how much they struggle; resort
                to as many secret and insidious methods as they want, hypocrites will always
                end up defeated. They might derive some 'temporary personal benefits' via their

                alliance they establish through these secret messages with their friends among un-

                believers or other hypocrites. However, before long, everything they have achieved
                will perish. Hypocrites will certainly appear before God forsaken and alone, and

                account for all their evil-doings. And if they haven't repented and abandoned their
                insidious perfidy before dying, they will suffer an eternal torment.
                    In the first verse of the Surat al-Humaza, saying, "Woe to every faultfinding

                backbiter", God points out to the vileness of this signaling method, and what will

                become of such people both in this world and in the hereafter.

                                          ADNAN  OKTAR:  Hypocrites  are  experts  at  using
                                          their facial expressions, their eyebrows, eyes, mouth
                                          and nose all are in constant motion. They are quite
                                          devious. I seek refuge in God from the accursed
                                          satan,  God  reveals,  "Those  who  did  evil  used  to
                                          laugh at those who had faith." (Surat al-Mutaffifin,
                                          29) They make fun of the believers cunningly, be-

                                          hind their backs. "When they passed by them, they
                                          would  wink  at  one  another."  (Surah  al-Mutaffifin,
                                          30)  In  other  words,  they  communicate  through
                                          signs. For example, they use the signs of the Rumi's
                                          philosophy.  Or  they  interface  through  pictures  or
                                          symbols. For example, 'an open door' means 'run

                                          away from there', or it symbolizes 'abandon Islam'.
                                          Hypocrites  use  such  secret  languages  among
                                          themselves. (A9 TV, July 1 , 2016)

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