Page 77 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 77

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                               the world. People living in different parts of the world can know each other and
                                      make beneficial activities and negotiate by such means. They can praise God while
                               talking with someone they met on Twitter and they can make joint activities with
                                      an old friend they come across on Facebook.
                                 While Muslims use all these social media platforms for beneficial purposes,
                                    hypocrites are planning to strengthen their ties with unbelievers with these oppor-
                                        tunities. Just as they look out for their own interests in their relations with Muslims,
                                      similarly, they base their dealings with unbelievers on the same mentality of pro-
                                 tecting their interests. They seek to use all their means towards furthering their re-
                                   lations with those they deem powerful among unbelievers. Thinking "How can I
                                   strike up a friendship with them, how can I make acquaintance and become
                                  close with them, how can I make a place for myself among them? How can I
                  take advantage of the opportunities they offer?" they secretly and sneakily devise
                                       their plans and put them into practice.
                                       For example, first they try to 'identify the most popular names worldwide'
                                      on the social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They
                                 seek out the organizations that are leading in economy, have the most extensive
                                    connections, the widest associates and the most substantial financial resources,
                                  and begin to individually follow their executives. Later, to be able to draw the at-
                                        tention of these individuals, hypocrites write intriguing responses to their posts,
                                'tagging' them to make sure they see their responses. Clicking the 'like' button
                                      under their posts, hypocrites once again express the admiration they feel for these
                                  individuals, trying to earn their recognition. Furthermore, hypocrites hope to be
                                  able to demonstrate the admiration they feel towards these individuals by featuring
                                their posts on their own social media pages by clicking the 'retweet' button on
                                     Twitter or 'share' button on Facebook, etc. At that stage, if they succeed in attracting
                              the attention of the other side just as they planned, they immediately resort to at-
                                       tempts to earn their close association by chatting with them through 'direct
                                          messaging' features.
                                   All these are of course completely normal actions that any ordinary person can
            frequently do on social media platforms. However, hypocrites hope to reach their
            evil targets with sneaky and imposter methods by using these details insincerely.
                         The aim of all of these extensive efforts is to be able to derive the desired
            personal profits from such individuals. Through the means of such individuals

            abroad, hypocrites wish to get the opportunity to settle in a foreign country,
                                     hoping to either find a well-paid job or make a reputation for themselves by
                                     making lucrative connections there. And then, they think that they can make a
                                 more effective move against Muslims with the opportunities they have obtained.

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