Page 81 - The Profound Darkness of the Hypocrite
P. 81

A D N A N   O K TA R   ( H A R U N   Y A H Y A )

                                           unbelievers. For example, 'a historical picture of a watch tower' shared by someone
                   on the Internet can be regarded as quite 'innocent, or even artistic' by a person
                           who is not familiar with the mentality of hypocrites. But, in hypocrites' language,
                                  this picture might be referring to the spying and intelligence activities carried
                                         out by the deep state groups within the country of the artist of that picture. Or
                                 'the pictures of a certain place, sea, or lake' can be used as a message carrying a
                                        specific meaning between them. Even 'a single word' that seems ordinary can be a
                                   'special code word' others cannot understand; but hypocrites use among each
            other. Likewise, the people whom hypocrites follow on their social media accounts,
            whose posts they 'retweet' over Twitter; or whose posts hypocrites 'share' or 'like'

            on other sites; or the people they 'tag' on their own posts or 'the tags' they use on

            their posts that allows the post to be found when searched at a later time; every one

            of these might similarly carry a secret message or meaning.
                However, this 'exclusive and ciphered language' hypocrites use in their relay
                     with unbelievers or their associates is not necessarily used only in oral interac-
             tions. When hypocrites wish to secretly communicate with each other, sometimes,
            they utilize this insidious and sinister signaling method through 'their facial

            expressions'. Hypocrites can convey astounding messages to other hypocritical in-

            dividuals across them through a great variety of gestures and facial expressions. At

            times when they think Muslims do not see them, they can describe each other

            what they are thinking or what they want to do by 'wink at one other'. For example,

            while talking with a Muslim, hypocrites might appear to be approving of what the

            Muslim says; but by insidiously raising their eyebrows, they give the message to

            their associate behind the Muslim that 'they actually do not approve what the

            Muslim says'. Or when talking with Muslims, while they say "of course, sure" with

            a benign tone, by slightly twisting their lips, they sarcastically smile to the other

            hypocrites across them; demonstrating in their own way that they actually do not

            take the words of that Muslim into consideration.

                In the Qur'an, God describes to Muslims this insincere and stealthy character-

            istic of hypocrites in great detail:

                              Those who did evil used to laugh at those who had faith. When they passed
                                    by them, they would wink at one another. When they returned to their fam-
                              ilies, they would make a joke of them. When they saw them, they would
                         say, 'Those people are misguided.' (Surat al-Mutaffifin, 29-32)
                              Hypocrites make some initial observations before sending messages to other
                                          hypocrites through secret signs. Firstly, they skillfully identify who is strong-willed
                           and pious, and who has a weaker personality and a more superficial faith in the en-

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