Page 130 - Let’s Learn Our Islam
P. 130
behaviour that a person who fears Allah must studiously avoid. In the
Qur'an Allah forbids gossiping and backbiting. The relevant verse reads:
You who have faith! Avoid most suspicion. Indeed some
suspicion is a crime. And do not spy and do not backbite one
another. Would any of you like to eat his brother's dead flesh?
No, you would hate it. And have fear of Allah. Allah is Ever-
Returning, Most Merciful. (Surat al-Hujurat: 12)
As is also evident from the verse, Allah tells us in the Qur'an that
backbiting is as disgusting as eating one's dead brother's flesh.
Allah tells us to conduct ourselves correctly in the course of our
daily lives. Life is an opportunity granted by our Lord to follow His right
path. Today, most people are unaware of this. Instead of complying with
Allah's commands and advice, they seek other guides. Being influenced
by the films they watch or the songs to which they listen, they adopt
erroneous values. For instance, young people who watch a merciless and
cruel hero in a movie often start to imitate him right after they leave the
A wise and sincere person, however, always displays the character
traits with which Allah is pleased. The prophets are the people in whose
footsteps we must follow. The character traits we must have are those
values with which Allah is pleased. These include being merciful,