Page 134 - Let’s Learn Our Islam
P. 134
But these people will feel great regret. Being
ungrateful and arrogant will cost them a
troublesome life in this world and deep regret in the
hereafter. The ingratitude (kufr) they display in this
world will entail the fires of Hell.
Every person who does not want to suffer
regret and be one of those who will enter the Fire
must be grateful to Allah. Allah wants us to be
grateful to Him and to pray and to worship Him in
return for all the blessings He has given us. So,
when you see these beautiful and perfect blessings
surrounding you—which could never have come
into existence by themselves—you must remember
Allah and feel thankful to Him. Do not be one of
those who fail to notice and appreciate any of the
blessings they are given.
In the Qur'an, Allah commands us to practice
forms of worship other than feeling grateful to Him.
Performing the prayer five times a day, fasting
during the month of Ramadan, paying the zakat
(wealth tax) and making the hajj (making the
pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime) if one is