Page 82 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 82
to the values of religion have no true friends. Even their spous-
es are not faithful: love and respect vanish in a short time. For
long years they endure one another for economic reasons or be-
cause of social pressure. In brief, despite being married, cou-
ples actually lead separate lives. Under such circumstances,
they rely on their children to secure their future, yet this is also
a vain endeavor, since their children also live their own lives.
In the grip of worldly greed and selfishness, they often provide
no help for their parents. Consequently, people who do not live
by the principles of religion are doomed to be alone in this
world, and this is a natural consequence of their mindset.
Adherence to the Values of Religion Erases
All Sorts of Worldly Fears
Not being companions of Allah and putting their trust in
Allah, people who do not live by the morals of religion in-
evitably harbor groundless fears. They constantly go in dread
of the future, of being alone, of losing their property and
health. They greatly fear having an accident, and most impor-
80 tantly, are afraid of death:
Say: "Death, from which you are fleeing, will certainly
catch up with you. Then you will be returned to the
Knower of the Unseen and the Visible and He will inform
you about what you did." (Surat al-Jumu'a: 8)
For unbelievers, death is certainly a mystery. Even if they
do not think about the life beyond, they ponder a great deal on
how they will meet death, and they remain in the grip of this
feeling. They think about all forms of death and feel too terri-
fied to contemplate the possibility that, one day, one of these
will befall them. With their having no serious faith in the exis-