Page 84 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 84
ing with our Creator and attaining the true abode. They recog-
nize that death is not an end and consequently they fear neither
death nor anything else.
Adherence to the Values of Religion Erases
the Fear of the Future
Almost all human beings, with the exception of believers,
are curious about what the future holds for them. Considering
all the unfavorable things which may be experienced all
throughout life, they feel concerned. The undesirable events
likely to happen in the future make them uneasy and anxious.
In addition to these permanent fears, there are the everyday
worries that appear in different forms at different ages. For a
student, it may be as simple as a term paper with a short dead-
line to meet. As one grows old, however, people create differ-
ent complications for themselves and the fear of these compli-
cations may last a lifetime.
For a young boy at high school, his looks, his relationship
with his friends, his popularity in his group, his success at
82 school and his relations with his family seem to be the most im-
portant problems in the world. A minor unfavorable condition
becomes a major source of distress. Especially at the crossroads
of making a decision about a career, one experiences the tough-
est time. Needless to say, these are incidents at which one
should not be so deeply distressed. It is, of course, perfectly
normal for one to want to practice the profession in which he
believes he will be both successful and happy. However, if one
does his best to attain such a goal and still fails, then he should
put his trust in Allah and pray to Him for another favor. Surely,
successes and failures are doomed to vanish with death. What