Page 89 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 89

troubles and sufferings naturally vanish; everyone leads a hap-
               py and peaceful life. Religion brings solutions to all concerns.
               People feel relieved and free from their burdens. That is be-
               cause they feel the comfort of being aware that every incident
               one encounters in life is but a test by Allah. In times of trouble,
               they never forget that they will earn their rewards by putting
               their trust in Allah. Similarly, when they are granted a favor,

               they feel grateful to Allah, thereby hoping to attain a benefit in
               the hereafter. This state of contentment is surely a privilege giv-
               en by Islamic morals to believers. But, a strong faith and trust
               in, and submission to, Allah are essential to enjoy this privilege.
               Only those who possess these strengths can free themselves
               from their anxiety. Others, on the other hand, beset by concerns
               and fears, start to taste their punishment while they are still in
               this world.

                    Islamic Morals Teach Believers to Be Modest

                    In many verses of the Qur'an, Allah commands human be-
               ings to be modest and humble and repeatedly reminds us that
               He is displeased with those who display arrogance.                   87
               Consequently, a believer has no other alternative but to be
                    Nevertheless, it would be meaningless to expect a person
               who does not live by the principles of Islam to be modest.
               Personal attributes like intelligence, wealth, good looks, and
               well-renown become matters on which such people praise
               themselves, and because of which they feel an arrogant con-

               tempt for others. They always want superiority by being the
               most attractive, distinguished and intelligent of all the people
               of their circle. Meanwhile, it never occurs to them that one day

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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