Page 93 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 93

A society where principles of religion are not observed
               abounds in such incidents. These inhuman acts of omission dis-
               appear only when people strictly adhere to the morals of the
               Qur'an. Only religion ensures an environment of bliss where
               people feel compassion and mercy for each other and are eager
               to display decent manners. Yet, it should also be stressed that
               it is not at all adequate for only a few exceptional people to at-
               tain these moral qualities. Moreover, adhering to Qur'anic prin-
               ciples when one encounters certain situations and diverging
               from them at other times, or avoiding certain wicked deeds on

               principle, but willingly committing others, does not establish
               the desired environment either. The existence of a truly peace-
               ful social life is possible only when individuals collectively live
               by the principles of Allah's religion and are consistently self-
               sacrificing in their attitude.

                    Islamic Morals Ensure That Everyone

                   Brings Solutions

                    One who adheres to the principles of the Qur'an brings so-
               lutions to problems and acts wisely under all circumstances.         91 91
               Thus, an individual living by the principles of the Qur'an nev-
               er feels frustrated, no matter how complicated the situation
               might seem. This is also why, in a society where religious
               morals prevail, no member ever encounters a complication he
               cannot overcome.
                    When the morality of religion does not prevail, people do
               not show wisdom as they should. That is why simple problems
               remain unsolved in societies far removed from the values of re-
               ligion. Indeed, members of such societies experience many
               problems and troubles throughout their lives. But, rather than

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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