Page 98 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 98
Believers, on the other hand,
are conscious that Allah takes ac-
You who have iman!
count of all things, therefore re-
if you have taqwa of
main wise, conscientious and
Allah, He will give you
thoughtful under all circum-
discrimination and
erase your bad actions stances. They make the most per-
from you and forgive tinent decisions and find the best
you. Allah’s favour is solutions. They swiftly decide on
indeed immense.(Surat matters and are not hindered by
al-Anfal: 29) any obstacle, since they are guid-
ed by the best morality, the strong
feelings of responsibility and the
faculty of thinking granted to
them by the Qur'an. They "manage their affairs by mutual
consultation." (Surat ash-Shura: 38) At all times, they take the
option which most pleases Allah. In no case do they diverge
from justice and righteousness, though it might be contrary to
their personal interests and the desire for self-satisfaction.
Only in serving Allah and awaiting their rewards from
Him, believers do not descend to seeking the approval of oth-
ers, attaining a particular status in their eyes, being appreciat-
ed by them, attracting attention or showing off. That is why, in
every decision they take, they constantly receive the support,
assistance, inspiration and blessing of Allah.
Having a deep fear of Allah and being meticulously obe-
dient to His limits guide a believer in the exercise of discrimi-
nation (Surat al-Anfal: 29) so as to arrive at the most appropri-
ate decision and solution. Having this fear and sedulously ob-
serving Allah's commandments, he is given a "way out" by
Allah (Surat at-Talaq: 2), and "matters are made easy for him."
(Surat at-Talaq: 4)