Page 99 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 99
Islamic Morals Teach Man
to Put His Trust in Allah
The souls of those who are unwilling to submit to the Will
of Allah and live by the principles of Islam are always pes-
simistic, rebellious and despondent; they regard what befalls
them as the consequence of pure chance. Throughout their
lives, they suffer feelings of tension, insecurity and restlessness.
Unlike believers, they do not have the advantage of placing
their trust in Allah and knowing that everything proceeds as
predestined by Allah. They are unaware that whether it ap-
pears good or evil, everything occurs by the Will of Allah to put
man to the test in this world, and that they can attain peace on-
ly when they act as Allah commands. This way, they suffer the
consequences of their preferences and experience grief in every
situation they encounter in life, no matter how important or in-
These people take their daily experiences too seriously
and fixate upon mundane incidents, treating them as if they
were the most important events in the world. Thus, when
things do not proceed as they like or plan, they simply display 97
a negative attitude. Being dragged down by pessimism, they
immediately fall into hopelessness and consider this a disaster
befalling them. Meanwhile, they feel frustrated and can find no
way out. If they encounter a seemingly unfavorable event, they
are plunged into despair, and bewail their condition. Given the
fact that they have not surrendered themselves to Allah, they
cannot conceive that every single incident occurs under His
Based on daily affairs, their moods are like a roller-coaster
ride. In this life, there are many small details which make them