Page 96 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 96
seek sound solutions to them, they incorporate the problems
into daily life, as if they were doomed to remain unsolved.
Being unable to solve problems has its repercussions in every
aspect of the lives of those who live a life distant from religion.
Mostly they fall into despair and complain. Meanwhile, failing
to exercise their reason, they arrive at no solutions at all. Even
if they attempt to do so, their solutions would prove to be irra-
tional, since they limit their thoughts to a very narrow per-
Furthermore, in societies where the values of religion are
not observed, not finding any solutions is almost accepted as a
legitimate excuse for inaction. It is often used as a pretext to
cover up irresponsible, lazy, indifferent or sluggish behavior.
Especially at the workplace, everyone tries to present his re-
sponsibility as a complicated one and tries to build up an im-
age of one who undertakes difficult tasks. This, however, is on-
ly a gambit designed to cover up his potential mistakes, negli-
gence or failures.
The main reason why complications remain unsolved in
societies far removed from the values of the Qur'an is that peo-
94 ple are not even able to cope with their own personal problems.
One who does not adhere to the principles of Islam is carried
away by his own desires. In this sense, he merely strives to sat-
isfy his own desires and is not at all concerned about working
for the good of society or of other individuals. At all events, he
attaches the utmost importance to his own interests and avoids
going to trouble, spending energy and money, or undertaking
responsibility for the benefit of others.
Even the most trivial, easily solved problem remains a rid-
dle. Everyone seeks to impress others, ingratiate himself with
his seniors, have his standpoint endorsed, or at least always