Page 91 - The Nightmare of Disbelief
P. 91

its influence over every moment of life
               and the entire behavior of each individ-
               ual. One who is modest in the real
                                                          That abode of the here-
               sense owes this trait to the fact that the  after – We grant it to
               Owner of everything, including one-         those who do not seek
               self, and everything one possesses is       to exalt themselves in
               Allah, and that Allah has created every-     the earth or to cause
               thing. He is aware that everything hap-      corruption in it. The
               pens within the Knowledge of Allah.         successful outcome is
               Such people cannot but be believers. A        for those who have

               person devoid of religious understand-      taqwa [piety]. (Surat
               ing is unlikely to conduct himself mod-         al-Qasas, 83)
               estly in the true sense, since he does not
               possess the grasp of morals and the
               outlook of a believer. Unless he lives by the commandments of
               the Qur'an, the modesty he displays, is no more than hypocrisy
               or behavior which is a consequence of inferiority.
                    It is obvious that a society abounding in arrogant people is
               unbearable and simply a source of trouble and torment. There
               is an unbridgeable gap between a society whose members ob-
               serve no rules or limits in being arrogant, cruel and egoistical
               and a society of humble and modest people. This gap exists
               merely because of those who have drifted apart from religion.

                    Islamic Morals Rid Society of Mercilessness

                   and Disaffection

                    As well as being an attribute of Allah, compassion is a
               virtue Allah demands from His servants. In many verses in the
               Qur'an, Allah advises believers to be compassionate. Allah's
               Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) also reminded be-

                     HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
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