Page 15 - Love in the Torah
P. 15

                           A ADNAN OKTAR (HARUN YAHYA)

             he fulfilled his promise to everyone but sincere believers. But now the
             final say belongs to Hazrat Mahdi (as).
                The dajjal and his system will surely be defeated. The End Times is
             when all the schemes of the dajjal will be thwarted and the dajjal move-

             ment will be completely destroyed. The terrible loveless system that the
             dajjal has been the means for will cease, and the atmosphere of love
             and affection that God wills and is pleased with will spread to the whole
             world. Our Almighty Lord wants to achieve this through Hazrat Mahdi
             (as). That is why all people of love who are on the side of Hazrat Mahdi
             (as) must make greater efforts than ever to pave the way for this.
                The essence of love has been introduced to us by the Holy Books. In

             the Qur’an, the Torah and the Gospel, we constantly see that the uni-
             verse is created on the basis of love. Love is the divine light of God. It
               is the greatest need of the heart, body and the soul. Love is a key to
                 see the beauties created by God. It is a way to understand and ap-
                 preciate God. The secret of the trial in the life of this world can be
                  understood through comprehending love. The way to defeat the
                  system of the dajjal is only possible through the alliance of the
                    people of love.
                        For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to our

                      Lord’s calling for love in the Holy Books. Our Almighty Lord
                      states that He has sent down the Qur’an “as a confirmation
                     of what was there before it”. One of the verses emphasizing this
                           fact is the following:
                           He (God) has sent down the Book to you with truth, con-
                          firming what was there before it.  And He sent down the
                         Torah and the Gospel. (Qur'an, 3:3)
                           Love is praised and encouraged in the Qur’an as well
                        as in the preserved parts of the Torah and the Gospel,
                       which are the previous Books that the Qur’an confirms.
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