Page 74 - Deep Thinking
P. 74

72                        DEEP THINKING

                   So, the cause of the events that make us voice protests in the news-
              papers, on TV, in our social lives, and urge us to exclaim "What is hap-
              pening to this society?" is, in truth, the lack of religion, prevailed in vari-
              ous countries all over the world. A believer who sees these reports does
              not turn a blind eye to them but thinks that the only solution is to tell peo-
              ple about the love and fear of Allah and to revive the values of the reli-
              gion. In a society made up of people who fear Allah and who know that
              they will be accountable in the Hereafter, it is impossible for these kinds
              of events to occur to the extent they do now in our time. In such a soci-
              ety, peace and safety will be prevalent at the highest level.

                   What Discussion Programs Lasting till Morning
                   Make One Think
                   For a person who continues to think over the things he sees around
              him, discussion programs broadcast on TV are also examples for him to
              think about.
                   These discussion programs include people who are most closely
              involved with the topic of the day and who are most knowledgeable about
              that subject. These people discuss a topic for hours, without being able to
              work out a solution or reach a conclusion. However, those who attend
              these discussion programs are people who are considered to be qualified
              to solve such issues.
                   Indeed, the solution to most of these issues is quite clear. However,

              some people's self-interests, their remaining under the influence of their
              immediate circle, their efforts to push themselves forward rather than sin-
              cerely seeking for solutions, almost bring them to deadlock and stalemate.
                   A conscientious person who witnesses all these, thinks that the rea-
              son for these events, too, lies in society's being distant from the religion of
              Allah. Someone who believes in Allah never displays an irresponsible, bar-
              ren, and heedless attitude. He knows that there is good in every event to
              which Allah exposes him, that he is constantly being tested in this world,
              that he has to use his reason, strength and knowledge in such a way as to
              please Allah.
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