Page 76 - Deep Thinking
P. 76
What Famine and Poverty in Every Corner of the World
Make One Think
One of the issues frequently dealt with in the media is injustice among
While there are, on one side of the world, notably prosperous coun-
tries with very high levels of welfare, there are, on the other side, people
who do not have anything to eat, medicines to treat even the simplest dis-
eases, and who repeatedly die of neglect. The first thing that this situation
reveals is the iniquitous system prevailing in the world. It would be very
easy for a number of the wealthy countries to save those people. For
instance, near the nations dying of hunger in Africa, there are communi-
ties who have accumulated wealth from diamond mines and hence devel-
oped much material wealth. Although it is quite easy to relocate those peo-
ple who live in poverty, near to starvation and are abandoned to die, or to
provide means to meet their needs in the areas where they live, for
decades no fundamental solution has been sought for these people.
However, helping these people is not a task that a few people can handle.
In order to find fundamental solutions, many people need to make self-
sacrifices. However, the number of people who lay claim to attempting to
solve such a problem is quite few.
Trillions of dollars are being wasted in
every part of the world for various reasons.
Do they not see On the one hand, that some people throw
that they are their meals away unsatisfied with the taste,
tried once or and, on the other hand, that some die unable
twice in every to find enough food to eat, is clear evidence
year? But still against an iniquitous world order caused by
they do not turn not living by the values of Allah’s religion on
back. They do not the earth.
pay heed. (Surat Someone who sees all this thinks that
at-Tawba: 126) the only thing that will eliminate this iniquity
is the adoption of the values that Allah com-
mands. People who fear Allah and act by