Page 81 - Deep Thinking
P. 81
Thinking about Nice Places
It is also possible to see on TV programs, in newspapers and maga-
zines the beauty Allah creates and to reflect on it. Looking at or visiting
somewhere with a wonderful view, a beautiful house, garden or beach
surely pleases everyone. These views, first of all, remind one of Paradise.
A believing person remembers once more that Allah, Who gives such great
blessings, and shows people such glorious beauty, will certainly create
incomparable places in Paradise.
Someone who sees these also thinks the following: everything of
beauty created in the world has a number of flaws and imperfections
because the world is a place of testing. Someone who spends some time
at a holiday resort, the images of which he has earlier seen on TV, notices
these defects. The weather's extreme humidity, the sea's disturbing saline
content, the blistering heat and flies; these are only a few examples. Many