Page 82 - Deep Thinking
P. 82

80                        DEEP THINKING

              worldly difficulties can happen, such as sunburn, the travel agency's orga-
              nizational problems, and the intolerable nature of the people with whom
              one shares accommodation.
                   In Paradise, there will be the originals of these beauties without any
              of the flaws that would disturb one, and not a single displeasing conver-
              sation will be held. In every beauty a believer confronts in the world, he
              longs for Paradise. He always gives thanks for the blessings Allah has given
              him in the world, and he takes pleasure from them thinking that all these
              are blessings Allah has given him out of His grace. Knowing, however, that
              the originals of these beautiful things exist in Paradise, he does not forget
              the Hereafter by being carried away by the beauty of the world. He leads
              a life by means of which he can come to possess eternal beauty and
              deserve to enter the Paradise of Allah.

                   What Does It Make One Think on Reading
                   that The Building Block of Matter is the Atom?
                   Unless man thinks over the things he knows, he cannot grasp the sub-

              tleties in them and realize in what an extraordinary environment he lives.
              On that account, a person who believes continually thinks over the living
              beings and events Allah creates. These can sometimes be subjects known
              to many people, yet he is able to draw different conclusions from them
              than others do.
                   For example, it is a very well known fact that the basic component of
              every animate or inanimate being in the universe is the atom. That is, most
              people know that the books they read, the armchairs on which they sit,
              the water they drink and all the things they see around them are composed
              of atoms. Yet only conscientious people think beyond this and witness the
              exalted might of Allah.
                   When such people see reports about this subject, they think that
              atoms are inanimate beings. How, then, can inanimate substances such as
              atoms come together and form animate human beings capable of seeing,
              hearing, interpreting what they hear, enjoying the music to which they lis-
              ten, thinking, making decisions, being happy or miserable? How could
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