Page 89 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 89


                   The hands and feet of a frog, lizard, squirrel and a monkey all
               have five digits. Even the bone structure of birds and bats conforms
               to this basic design. Evolutionists used the pentadactyl structure as

               evidence for the claim that all these various species derived from a
               common ancestor.
                   Today, however, even the evolutionists have accepted that pen-
               tadactyl anatomy occurs in species of different groups, between

               which no evolutionary link can be established. In two separate arti-
               cles published in 1991 and 1996, evolutionary biologist M. Coates
               points out that the pentadactyl phenomenon appears independent-

               ly in both the anthracosaurs and the amphibians. This finding in-
               dicates that the pentadactyl phenomenon does not constitute proof
               of a common ancestor.

                                                    Nowadays, even evolutionists ad-
                                                    mit that the pentadactyl character-
                                                    istic occurs in different groups
                                                    that share no evolutionary rela-
                                                    tionship. The limbs of a frog,
                                                    lizard, squirrel and a monkey are
                                                    all pentadactyl. Even the bone
                                                    structures of birds and bats con-
                                                    form to this basic design. As has
                                                    been seen, similarities between
                                                    living creatures constitute evi-
                                                    dence not of evolution, but of cre-
                                                    ation by common design.
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