Page 91 - The Miracle Of Talking Birds
P. 91

Pennisi states
               that the genetic
               analyses and com-
               parisons made by the
               Darwinist biologists to illus-
               trate the “evolutionary tree”

               give quite the opposite result,
               and that “the new data casts a
               shadow over the evolutionary pic-
                   A year ago, biologists looking over
                   newly sequenced genomes from more than a
                   dozen microorganisms thought these data might
                   support the accepted plot lines of life's early his-
                   tory. But what they saw confounded them.
                   Comparisons of the genomes then available not on-
                   ly didn't clarify the picture of how life's major group-
                   ings evolved, they confused it. And now, with an ad-
                   ditional eight microbial sequences in hand, the situation
                   has gotten even more confusing… Many evolutionary biolo-
                   gists had thought they could roughly see the beginnings of
                   life's three kingdoms… When full DNA sequences opened the
                   way to comparing other kinds of genes, researchers expected
                   that they would simply add detail to this tree. But “nothing
                   could be further from the truth,” says Claire Fraser, head of The
                   Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Rockville, Maryland.

                   Instead, the comparisons have yielded many versions of the
                   tree of life… 33
                   In summary, on examination of living species at a molecular
               level, the homology hypotheses of evolutionary theory collapse, one
               by one. Jonathan Wells, an American molecular biologist, summa-

                             Birds that Imitate Sound Invalidate
                                     Evolutionary Theory
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