Page 28 - Photosynthesis: The Green Miracle
P. 28
Adnan Oktar
In order for bridges
to remain standing,
their centers of grav-
ity are calculated
with enormous care.
This same careful
calculation can be
seen in leaves. Their
veins are installed
so that the leaf’s
weight is evenly dis-
tributed and its bal-
ance is thus en-
sured. No one can
suggest that a
bridge ever came in-
to being by
chance—an analogy
that clearly reveals
the illogicality of
saying that the equi-
librium in living
species came into
existence by chance.
if its center of gravity is not calculated before it is built? In these two ex-
amples, as in thousands of similar ones, it is impossible for matter to com-
bine to form a specific order and equilibrium. It is Allah Who creates ev-
ery entity, living or otherwise, with its particular order. Allah has created
both the tiny leaf and the Earth, large enough for billions of human beings
to live on, with a sublime design.
Whether something is large or small, there is never any deficiency in
Allah’s creation. In verses of the Qur’an it is revealed that Allah has creat-
ed all things in a perfect manner and that no one can detect any deficien-
cy in the universe He has created: